'Welcome to the Anthropocene' Earth Animation from Globaïa on Vimeo.
"This is the animation done by Globaïa for the short film 'Welcome to the Anthropocene' commissionned for the Planet Under Pressure conference."
Welcome to the Anthropocene from WelcomeAnthropocene on Vimeo.
"A 3-minute journey through the last 250 years of our history, from the start of the Industrial Revolution to the Rio+20 Summit. The film charts the growth of humanity into a global force on an equivalent scale to major geological processes.
The film was commissioned by the Planet Under Pressure conference, London 26-29 March, a major international conference focusing on solutions.
The film is part of the world's first educational webportal on the Anthropocene, commissioned by the Planet Under Pressure conference, and developed and sponsored by
Anthropocene.info is a beta version. Phase two and phase three of the site development will be complete by the end of 2012.
Anthropocene.info has been brought to you by:
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) | csiro.au
Globaïa | globaia.org
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) | igbp.net
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDB) | ihdp.unu.edu
Stockholm Resilience Centre | stockholmresilience.org
Stockholm Environment Institute | sei-international.org
Data used:
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme | igbp.net
NaturalEarthData | naturalearthdata.com
OpenStreetMap | openstreetmap.org
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency | .nga.mil
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | noaa.gov
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | nasa.gov
Greg's Cable Map | cablemap.info
Earlyguard | earlyguard.bandcamp.com
HECQ | hecq.de"
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